(8 customer reviews)

The Liquids Lab Black 100%


The Liquids Lab Black 100% is a Longfill e-liquid with the taste of classic Greek tobacco. Longfill contains 20ml of aroma in a 60ml bottle.

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The Liquids Lab Black 100%
This item: The Liquids Lab Black 100%

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Curieux Base DIY VEGETAL 500ml - 20VPG/80VG
Curieux Nicotine Booster Vegetal 20VPG/80VG
Curieux Nicotine Booster Vegetal 50VPG/50VG

SKU: 004496 Category: Brand:

Product Description

Liquids Lab is one of the leading manufacturers of e-liquids for electronic cigarettes in Europe. The Liquids Lab Black 100% is a Longfill e-liquid with the taste of classic Greek tobacco. Longfill contains 20ml of aroma in a 60ml bottle.

The product is not suitable for independent use, the product must be mixed with a neutral base before use.

Additional Information


60 ml


20 ml


0 mg/ml



100 PG


8 reviews for The Liquids Lab Black 100%

  1. Miro

    Dober ukus po grškem tobaku, brez sladkastega priokusa.

  2. JellyButt

    Odličen okus tobaka!
    Vse kar sem poizkusil od “BLACK” serije je odlično.

  3. pcs

    Odličen okus. Moj najljubši.

  4. Andraž Avsenik

    Okus mi je všeč. Do sedaj mi je ta tobak eden ljubših, to pa zato, ker ni sladek kot večina tobakov , ki sem jih poizkusil do sedaj.

  5. Black 100%

    Dobra aroma po tobaku.

  6. Monika Kosi

    Odličen okus po tobaku

  7. Žiga Tanaskovič

    Odličen tobak za tiste, ki imate radi da ni sladek. Eden najpribližjih zadetkov okusa pravega tobaka.

  8. rokec

    Izredno močan okus, najbolj paše ob jutranji kavi

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    For easier DIY e-liquid mixing and (if necessary) adding nicotine, we have prepared calculators that will help you calculate how many boosters and how much base you need to add to each e-liquid. Calculators will also help you choose the appropriate PG/VG ratio.

    E-liquid mixing DIY Calculators