(10 customer reviews)

X-Bar Click&Puff Pod Virginia Classic


X-Bar Click&Puff Pod Virginia Classic is a replaceable POD with the taste of a classic Virginia tobacco blend that delivers up to 650 puffs.

Earn up to 20 Qs.

SKU: N/A Category: Tags: , Brand:

Product Description

X-Bar is a French manufacturer that offers a wide selection of disposable and reusable devices with exceptional flavor combinations. X-Bar Click&Puff Pod Virginia Classic is a replaceable POD with the taste of a classic Virginia tobacco blend that delivers up to 650 puffs.

POD contains 20mg/ml (2%) nicotine salt.

The X-Bar Click&Puff POD is only compatible with the X-Bar Click&Puff device.



Additional Information


20 mg/ml





10 reviews for X-Bar Click&Puff Pod Virginia Classic

  1. mirog123

    Odlična aroma tobaka, nič sladkastega okusa.

  2. uz123

    najboljši približek tobaku

  3. Maja Hafnar

    Narocila prijatelju, kar ni mogel verjeti, da obstaja tak priblizek tobaku. Izredno pozitivno presenecen, kasneje je tudi sam zacel narocevati pri vas. Top !!!

  4. lazgor


  5. Sašo Petrošanec

    super, še posebej je dobra možnost dveh različnih jakosti (20mg/l – 10mg/l)

  6. alba123

    Super izdelek 👌

  7. drago kijevčanin

    Zelo dobra aroma, res ima okus po tobaku

  8. Bojan Kovačič

    Zame najboljša x-bar aroma in nič sladkobe.

  9. Petra P

    Odličen, sploh za tiste, ki ne marajo nobenega primešanega okusa.

  10. yumurs

    Presenetilo me je, da ima dejansko okus po tabaku, brez sladila.

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